Online Hypnosis Product Comparisons

Below are reviewed products that offer great value to people wanting to quit smoking with hypnosis in the comfort of their home. These are the products available online with the highest customer satisfaction rate.

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Quit Smoking Today

Rated #1

Quit Today

Description: A hypnosis program that you download on to your mp3 or cd from your computer. Quit Smoking Today states you don't need a quit date and you can quit smoking in under 40 minutes. The program includes bonuses valued at $264.71 (possibly limited time) and a 75% discount is available. It is reasonably priced, if not priced less than most programs, has a solid guarantee, high customer satisfaction rate and offers a high valued bonus package.

Successfully 97.2% of the original 5000 smokers in a study have not smoked for over 6 months since the study started.

Quit Smoking Right Now!

Rated #2

Highest Customer Satisfaction Rate

Description: Quit Smoking Right Now! is a quality hypnosis to quit program. There is no special diet yet they recommend the intervals at which you eat during the day. You will learn the substance to strictly avoid. For three weeks, or less, you listen to the program for 30 minutes a day. It's a special short recording. The hypnosis audio files have a very high customer satisfaction rate.

Fresh Start Method

Rated #3

One Hour Stop Smoking

Description:  This program says you will lose your cravings for cigarettes in one  hour.  You receive an online booklet and audio file along with breathing exercises.  This is a straight forward, no bells and whistles hypnosis quit smoking program.  

Hypnosis To Quit Smoking

There are numerous reasons to use hypnosis to quit smoking.  When you make the decision to quit smoking you really need to be ready.  You can't quit smoking, because someone else wants you to.  You have to want to quit for any quit smoking method to be successful and that includes using the hypnosis technique.

Some benefits of using hypnosis to quit smoking are:

1.   You can listen to the hypnosis audio in the comfort of your own home.
2.   You can quit smoking in as little as an hour.
3.   You won't gain weight after you've quit smoking.
4.   You don't need to suffer with cravings for cigarettes.
5.   You won't feel anxious.
6.   You'll be deeply relaxed.
7.   Hypnosis audios to quit smoking are relatively inexpensive.
8.   You don't have to take any pills.
9.   You won't need any patches or gum.
10.  Hypnosis is safe and proven to be an effective quit smoking tool.

As you can see there are many benefits in using hypnosis to quit smoking.  When you are quitting, you most likely don't want to put anything else in your body such as pills.  Hypnosis is safe and you won't have to rely on drugs to get you through the quit smoking process.

Hypnosis isn't as costly as you may imagine and just think about all of the money you are going to be saving by not buying cigarettes anymore.  When you go to a hypnotist in person, it could cost a base minimum of three hundred dollars and the hypnotist may require you return for additional sessions with added fees.  The hypnosis audio available online with the highest customer satisfaction can be done at home, in private.  

When you are hypnotized you are in a deeply relaxed state of mind and you are focused and open to positive suggestions.  So when you hear you will not crave cigarettes, you won't.  Also, if you are told you will eat healthy foods and you won't gain weight, you won't gain weight.  With traditional quit smoking methods almost everyone tends to put on some pounds after they have quit.  Not with hypnosis.  Some people don't quit smoking, because of the fear of gaining weight.  Hypnosis can prevent you from gaining weight during this process.

Almost everyone can be hypnotized and it's rare not being able to be hypnotized.  Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and your concentration level in intensified.  You will have a narrow and targeted focus for the subject at hand.  That means when you are told  you won't have any cravings for cigarettes any longer, your mind absorbs and holds on to that.  The mind is a powerful thing.  You've probably heard of people who can exceed their physical limitations due to their mind willing their body to continue.

When you think about it, it's your mind that tells you to smoke in the first place.  Using hypnosis to quit smoking alters the way your mind has been thinking and can make it much easier on you.  

You may want to try hypnosis to quit smoking for an effective, safe, and less costly method.

"10 Things You Should Do When Quitting By Traditional Methods"

If you choose to quit smoking by traditional methods, rather than by hypnosis, there are some tips you may want to follow to help you in the beginning stages.

When you are planning on quitting smoking there are some things you can do to make the process easier. You can alter the negative side effects by being prepared. This will help you to be successful and to put down the cigarettes once and for all.

Below are some tips to help you get through it:

1. Set a quit date.

2. Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke a couple of weeks before you quit.

3. Tell everyone you know that you are going to quit smoking, and tell them your quit date.

4. Buy some plastic straws. Chewing on a straw will keep your hand busy.

5. The night before your quit day, pour water on all cigarettes and cigarette butts. Get rid of ashtrays and lighters.

6. If you smoked in your car, the day before you quit, vacuum and shampoo the carpet and wipe down the interior with something like armorall. Also clean the interior windows.

7. For the first few days it would help you to alter your triggers. If you have a cigarette with your coffee, stop drinking coffee and try tea instead. If you smoke while you drink alcohol, either stop drinking for a while or change from wine to beer for instance.

8. In the beginning change your routine. Maybe plan a three day get-away. The initial few days will be the most difficult. If you smoke on the deck every morning, avoid the deck all together until you are certain the desire to smoke is totally gone.

9. Begin some type of physical activity. When an intense craving hits, go for a walk.

10. Learn meditation and use it when you have cigarette cravings.

11. If drinking alcohol increases your desire for a cigarette and you are having a difficult time giving up the alcohol, try this to help you stop drinking.

If you feel like you may cave in and go buy a pack of cigarettes, just think of the minutes, hours and/or days that you have made it so far. You don't want to throw that time away, because you're getting that much closer to being free from the hold and control cigarettes have had over your life.

Don't forget to have a jar where you will see it often and each day put the money you would have spent on cigarettes into the jar. You'll see it grow and it will be a reminder of the money that's gone up in smoke (wink) over the years.

Discover ways of making it easier to quit.